A noise management plan is not your every-day, standard plan. Most event planners will probably never need one, especially if you are running indoor events. Yet, when it comes to outdoor events, a Noise Management Plan (NMP) could be the make or break in getting Council approval to host your event. After all, Council’s need to ensure your...
Earlier this year, our sister company, 3vent Productions, got engaged by the Logan City Council (Queensland, Australia) to create several Event Management Plans for their brand-new event venue, Kingston Butter Factory. The Kingston Butter Factory is an historic building located in the City of Logan, just south of Brisbane. To create the...
Remember the good ‘ol days when risk management was simply putting a hi-vis vest on? When painting a multi-story building without a harness was perfectly fine? When a simple “she’ll be ‘right, mate!” was the only reassurance you needed? I think we all know that those days are long gone. These days, risk management is inevitable...
It has taken a while, but I am very excited to announce that eventmanagementplans.com is now COVID Safe! 😷 This means even better templates for you to work with and even less time for you to spend getting your head around the COVID requirements. Yay! Hooray for easier COVID Safe event planning! 🎉👏 The biggest news is that we have...
In early 2020 the world changed. COVID-19 changed the way we live. The way we work. The way we do business (or lack thereof). Heck, it even changed the amount of toilet paper required to wipe our bums apparently… The whole world came to a standstill and with it some complete industries. Including the events industry. Due to the scale of...
Whether you’re managing an indoor or an outdoor event, a lot of work goes into the planning of it. Generally, outdoor events tend to be a bit more complex. Often, this is due to the lack of existing infrastructure at event sites. The weather can also bring additional challenges. Nonetheless, regardless of the size and location, planning an...
Welcome to the very first blog of Event Management Plans! I've been wanting to start the blog for a while now but I guess we all know what events are like – BUSY! I’ll kick off by introducing myself and giving you some background info on EMP (as we affectionately call it 😊) and what landed us here. Who is This Woman? My husband...